The Millennial Maid

The Challenge

Between working with clients, hiring and training new staff, pursuing business development, being actively involved in community initiatives and juggling everything else that comes along with running a small, local business, The Millennial Maid was seeing success across all fronts except one; social media. Brittany, the founder and owner of this local cleaning company, believed in the potential of The Millennial Maid’s online presence but lacked the time and energy required to make it a reality. She reached out to Get Social.

Photo taken by Andrea Patz Photography

Photo taken by Andrea Patz Photography


The Approach

Get Social worked with Brittany to identify The Millennial Maid’s overarching business goals and the role social media would play in achieving them. More clients, increased revenue and expanded community recognition were all on the list. To attain these milestones, Get Social had to first build their social media platforms to gain more followers and increase engagement by effectively speaking to their online community.

Through an in depth Discovery Meeting, Get Social learned what was important to Brittany when curating The Millennial Maid’s posts and pages. Their online presence was to be inclusive to everyone, highly attractive and loaded with variety to ensure The Millennial Maid became the primary cleaning company Revelstokians thought of and contacted when hiring any cleaning services. Get Social wrote engaging, personable copy that informed followers of the variety of services The Millennial Maid offers, curated stories and posts that were amusingly relatable to house owners, tenants, families and singles alike and educated followers about the positive impact cleaning services can have on one’s life. A consistent posting schedule combined with high quality images strengthened The Millennial Maid’s brand and built aesthetic profiles that represent them professionally online.


The Outcomes

Within 6 months of hiring Get Social, The Millennial Maid’s Instagram account grew from 61 to 225 followers. Their Facebook profile consistently reached an average of 4,500 profiles per month. Their follower engagement rate averaged at 11.2% between both platforms, a whopping 8.2% higher than industry standard. After the first quarter, The Millennial Maid began receiving a minimum of 4 direct messages per month from individuals reaching out to inquire about services, pricing and various other business related questions. Their weekly stories maintained a strong 95% completion rate and their profiles received an average of 176 individual views per month.

Scroll through The Millennial Maid’s social media profiles today and you will find everything you need to know about their services while being simultaneously entertained and impressed along the way. 

Photo taken by Andrea Patz Photography

Photo taken by Andrea Patz Photography


Get Social was an instrumental part of our branding at The Millennial Maid.

Get Social has been exceptionally professional and very easy to communicate with. From our initial meeting to weekly check-ins and content planning, our entire experience has been seamless. Kestrel's industry knowledge is unmatched and has been an invaluable component to our success.

Highly recommend.”

— Brittany Bednarz

Owner - Operator, The Millennial Maid


Community Connections Revelstoke Society


The Revelstoke Golf Club