Community Connections Revelstoke Society

The Challenge

Community Connections Revelstoke Society supports individuals and families in the community by providing and advocating for accessible, responsive social services. A key element of success for Community Connections lies in their ability to communicate, advertise and promote their services to the people they are there for. 

Before hiring Get Social, Community Connections did not know how to share their vast expanse of resources effectively. They experienced difficulty communicating details of their services and were unable to unify their brand voice in a way that represented their organization in a professional way. Department heads, employees and volunteers were responsible for posting what they wanted, when they wanted which led to a jumbled schedule of sporadic, non-cohesive Facebook posts including everything from services, policies, donations and events to general updates, employment opportunities and community shoutouts. Their goal when hiring Get Social was not to drum up business, but to amplify their reach in an effective way through the use of a familiar voice that would convey the philosophy and resources of the organization. 

Photo taken by Zoya Lynch

Photo taken by Zoya Lynch


The Approach

Get Social made understanding the organization a priority. 

To figure out pertinent details of various departments, themes and topics, key messaging and target audiences, an in-depth Onboarding Meeting was held for all department heads to attend. From there, Get Social was able to begin curating a social media calendar that aligned with monthly pillars and on-brand messaging.

To avoid confusion and ensure posts are always approved before they are published., Get Social created a Scheduled Content Spreadsheet that is shared throughout the entire Community Connections’ organization. This spreadsheet outlines scheduled posts by including images, written copy and posting dates along with space for employees to add their notes, edits and feedback. Every two weeks, this spreadsheet circulates throughout the organization to ensure posts are continuously accurate, up to date and adhere to a strategic schedule that speaks to various audiences on behalf of the different departments.


The Outcomes

Today, after six months of working with Get Social, Community Connections Revelstoke Society has not only seen a dramatic increase in effective postings, but a general improvement throughout the organization itself. 

With an updated Tab system and strategic posting schedule, their Facebook page is a source people can easily navigate and engage with to find information they are looking for. With over 240 page views per month and posts reaching upwards of 16,000 individual profiles monthly, it is evident that Community Connections’ social presence is one that community members rely on. The Scheduled Content Spreadsheet has eased communication by providing an opportunity for department heads and employees to stay abreast of the various goings-on throughout the organization.

A unified brand voice has elevated their online presence to be one that is professional, approachable, friendly, supportive, inclusive and clear, just like the organization itself. 

Photo taken by get Social

Photo taken by get Social


Get Social has been a delight to work with; she provides thorough, professional service and worked with us in a collaborative and supportive way.

Bringing her in helped close communication gaps and has increased our visibility and enhanced the accessibility and responsiveness of our services.

Thanks Kestrel!”

— Sheena Bell

Executive Director, Community Connections Revelstoke Society


The Millennial Maid